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How to Get Your Life Together

To have an organized life, you need to have an organized mind. To have an organized mind you need to have an organized space. Our brains tend to function better in an orderly environment. The three pillars of your life are physical space, digital space, and mental space. And your pillars are struggling babe. So let’s get into it.

Physical Clutter:

Your room is your sanctuary, not a trash can. 

1. Use the 90/90 rule to declutter.

  • Pick up an object. Have you used it in the past 90 days? Will you use it in the next 90 days?

  • If the answer to both of these questions is ‘No’, get rid of it. If it's usable, donate it. If it's not, throw it away.

2. For further decluttering, pair the 20/20 rule with the 90/90 one.

  • Pick up an object. If you can obtain it in 20 minutes for a price below 20$ and you haven’t used it in the past 90 days, get rid of it. “But I need this stapler that barely works because it's my favorite color.” Throw. It. Away.

Digital Clutter:

You don’t need all those screenshots. You really don’t. 

1. Go through your photos and downloads. 

  • Delete any double photos

  • Delete old files you don’t need

  • Delete screenshots. I know there’s a shit ton of them, don’t lie.

  • Organize stuff into files/folders so that they’re not scattered.

2. Delete mobile apps you don’t need.

3. Clean up your social media following.

4. Clean up your mail inbox.

Do all of this regularly to avoid clutter building up. Once a month is good.

Mental Clutter:

This is probably the most important one.

1. Clean up mental clutter such as

  • Unresolved conflicts with friends, family, and others. They occupy your thoughts more than you think. So either fix the situation, if possible, or get closure.

  • Situationships are the devil in disguise. Absolutely not. Do you even like yourself? It might be nice right now. You’re probably giggling to yourself and kicking your feet. I know you are. But you have to maintain boundaries. You do not have the time to be going back and forth with someone. There’s no “situation”. If they want you, they want you. That’s it. No if’s, no but’s. 

2. Develop Routines

  • Doing admin tasks involuntarily reduces the burden on the brain. Once something becomes a habit, you don’t need to spend as much mental energy on it. Make good quality routines and stick to them. 

3. Write Everything Down

  • Write down your feelings. All of them. Dump your entire brain onto paper. It’ll free up so much mind space. You saw a cute cat outside and you felt really happy? Write it down. You felt like throwing a chair at someone? Write it down.  

4. Please Sleep 

  • Fix your sleep schedule. I’m begging you. 10 AM to 2 AM is the peak recovery time for the body. What goals are you trying to achieve on 5 hours of sleep? Everyone says 8 hours of sleep is optimal but 7.5 hours is actually better. That’s because 7.5 hours is 5 full sleep cycles, so you don’t wake up 30 minutes into your next cycle, feeling like a groggy little shit.

Take Action Now:

1. Vision boards are your best friend.

  • They’re a great source of motivation and they also help you manifest your goals. Two birds, one stone. Make one and keep it readily visible. For example, on your desk, as your lockscreen or wallpaper, etc.

2. Don’t have any zero days.

  • Every single day do something to work towards your goals, no matter how small. Less is better than nothing.

3. Make An Action Plan. 

  • When a goal is big, it can seem intimidating, so write down the steps you need to take to get there. Every single thing. When you dissect the ultimate goal into smaller, more manageable tasks, it seems more doable. That way you’re more confident that you’ll achieve it.

4. Stay Consistent 

  • Record your progress.

  • Think of the long-term goal, not short-term gratification. Ask yourself "Which choice would make my future self happy?”

  • Develop intrinsic motivation. This means you should learn to enjoy the process just as much as you want the final outcome. Studies have found that intrinsic motivation is more sustainable than extrinsic motivation.

  • Understand your failures. If you miss a day or do something that sets you back, don’t just hate yourself and then start over. Understand why you did what you did and help yourself prevent it from happening again.

Get up and get started now. You better be hot and rich soon pookie. 


Aluvia :)

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