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This, my friend, is a place where I share things that I probably shouldn't be sharing on the internet. Advice, rants, research, recipes, a collection of things that are so random that I don't even know what genre this blog comes under.  Please enjoy.

About Me

I don't really know who I am to be completely honest with you. Physically I'm an 18 year old girl but mentally I'm Napoleon Bonaparte. Less of a person and more of a concept. Anyway, I started this blog for a reason. To share my constant overload of genius thoughts with the world, because if I keep them to myself I might combust. What you will find in this blog is a steaming pile of immaculate humor and deep articulation because I am simply extremely hilarious. 

give me your email. please. 

thank you i love you marry me


mgv n.jpg
today's gentle reminder

Go drink some water, you dehydrated twat.

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